Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Life's Improving

Remember that last blog post? Way far back?

Well yea. I have no excuse for my laziness, forgetfulness, and utter fail.

So yea.

In response to my last post, I'm in a different place now I guess.

Key words: I guess.

I've actually joined some activities and I believe I am beginning to "bond" with some of my classmates in my art and anime classes.

So that's good.

I joined fencing, which is fun and a fantastic stress-reliever (albeit panful)

I'm re-joining karate to get my head-in-the-game as it were. Set my mind straight through inner balance. And self defense.

The fact I can ALREADY feel arm muscle (well, not much but hey there's SOMETHING there) is a valid enough sign I'd like to continue.

School proceeds as per normal, and I'm still not entirely sure about the college-thing or much of anything at this point.

I changed my facebook location.

I know, this might not seem like a big change but... its more symbolic. I've changed the way I view myself and the way the world views me on my main form of expressing myself to the masses (aka - my friends and family).

In essence, I think I finally admitted I live in Florida. Not Virginia.

I think this is a fantastic step in the right direction for me at this point. Even just a little step towards it is fantastic at this point.

In matters regarding love... bleh. An accurate sum-up right there.

I don't quite know what to say about it, there's a lot of conflict, useless crap, and basically bleh. Is it wrong to just want to feel the butterflies, the tingles, and feeling of your breath catching in your throat, dizzy, or anything?

Is it worse for me to wish someone HERE would just appear out of nowhere and knock me off my high horse, break down my icy barriers, all "SURPRISE!"

Clearly, I need friends (and possibly a male friend) down here.

Basically, I still feel like I've got one foot in VA and one in FL, but if anything else, I'm now leaning on the FL foot.

Maybe a little shove will send me on my way. Then I can put in the doorstopper and return when I've done what was meant to be done in FL.

I believe I'm here for a reason.

I've just got to find out what that reason is.