Sunday, May 29, 2011

This is me popping in

I'm starting to think this blog will just be whenever I post almost to show emotional progression more than anything else.

Which I suppose wouldn't be bad, it shows my emotional state over jumps of time.

So. May of my Junior year.

Nearly a Senior.

*insert horror movie scream here*

...Truly scary right?

School's nearly up, finished Algebra 1, gonna be finishing American Government... soonish.

Junior year wasn't bad (okay, well school-wise not horrible) and being seventeen isn't all bad.

I'm getting my permit in a couple weeks and then my license once I turn 18. ...Yay?

What else... found a carnation of IFG. He was 19. Had glasses. Liked Doctor Who. He ALSO has a successful long-distance girlfriend.

Go team?

So yea, relationship front is... fine. things are up in the air with Nick, supposedly I'm "back with him" but I'm considering it more trial period than anything else.

We'll see.

Senior Year looks... bright-ish. Good thing I've got all Summer to prepare.

By the way, taking the SAT in 6 days. ...Let my death begin.